Season 1 | Episode 8

Metrics to Detect Hallucinations with Pradeep Javangula

In this episode, we’re joined by Pradeep Javangula, Chief AI Officer at RagaAI

Deploying LLM applications for real-world use cases requires a comprehensive workflow to ensure LLM applications generate high-quality and accurate content. Testing, fixing issues, and measuring impact are critical steps of the workflow to help LLM applications deliver value. 

Pradeep Javangula, Chief AI Officer at RagaAI will discuss strategies and practical approaches organizations can follow to maintain high performing, correct, and safe LLM applications.

About the guest
With over 25 years of expertise in AI and ML, Pradeep Javangula is a renowned industry expert in AI. Previous roles include VP of AI/ML at Workday and VP of Engineering at Adobe.